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  1. **设备选型**:根据客户场地的实际情况和游客流量,我们为客户推荐了适合其需求的通道收费检票闸机型号。这些闸机具有高效、稳定、易维护等特点,能够满足景区日常运营的需求。

  2. **租赁方案**:考虑到客户的成本预算和运营周期,我们为客户量身定制了一套灵活的租赁方案。客户可以根据自己的需求选择租赁期限,并享受我们提供的设备安装、调试、培训等一站式服务。

  3. **技术支持**:在租赁期间,我们为客户提供全天候的技术支持。无论是设备故障还是操作问题,我们都能够迅速响应并为客户提供解决方案。



  1. **提升检票效率**:新的检票闸机系统采用了先进的识别技术,能够快速准确地识别游客的门票信息,大大缩短了检票时间。游客排队等待的时间显著减少,提高了游客的满意度。

  2. **优化景区管理**:通过检票闸机系统,景区可以实时掌握游客流量数据,为景区管理提供了有力的数据支持。同时,系统还能够自动识别无效门票和逃票行为,有效防止了门票收入的流失。

  3. **降低成本**:相比直接购置设备,租赁方式大大降低了客户的初期投入成本。客户可以根据自己的实际需求选择租赁期限,避免了设备闲置和浪费的问题。






  **English Version**

  **Successful Case of Channel Toll and Ticket Checking Gate Rental in Puer City, Yunnan**

  In the beautiful Puer City of Yunnan Province, with the booming tourism industry, the passenger flow at major scenic spots and transportation hubs is increasing day by day. To ensure smooth passage for tourists and improve management efficiency, a well-known tourist attraction in Puer City decided to adopt a modern channel toll and ticket checking gate system. However, facing the high purchase cost and complex maintenance work, the scenic area chose to cooperate with us, Yuantong Rental, by adopting a short-term rental approach to solve this problem. Below, we will share this successful case in detail and show how our rental services have helped clients achieve efficient operations.

  **I. Background of Client Needs**

  This tourist attraction in Puer City attracts a large number of tourists with its unique natural scenery and rich cultural heritage. However, with the increasing number of tourists, the original ticket checking method could no longer meet the demand, leading to frequent queuing congestion and low ticket checking efficiency. To improve tourist satisfaction and the service quality of the scenic area, it decided to introduce an advanced channel toll and ticket checking gate system. Considering the actual operation of the scenic area, they hoped to achieve this goal at a lower cost, so they chose the rental method.

  **II. Yuantong Rental Solution**

  In response to the specific needs of the client, we, Yuantong Rental, provided the following solutions:

  1. **Equipment Selection**: Based on the actual situation of the clients venue and tourist flow, we recommended suitable channel toll and ticket checking gate models for their needs. These gates are efficient, stable, and easy to maintain, meeting the daily


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